When we often think of photographers we think of people who take photos of weddings or work in stores to take photographs of children and families. We seldom think of photography as an art form, yet it is truly one of the most versatile of all the art forms and someone with an art degree in photography has a wide avenue of career opportunities open to him or her.
A photographer can be an artist or simply someone who earns a living taking photographs of other individuals. Anyone who uses a camera to make a living can be considered a professional photographer. The paparazzi who chase around movie stars and the person who takes photographs of food for magazines are all photographers. In order to become a photographer, a person usually goes to art school to learn the fundamentals of photography.
There is a lot more to photography than simply pointing a camera and clicking. While some people truly have a natural ability to look at places and situations a certain way through a lens, others learn properties such as lighting techniques and dramatic effects by going to art school and studying the art of photography.
In addition to learning how to take a proper photograph, an art school student studying photography will learn how to develop photographs in a dark room. They will learn which types of chemicals to use and how to expose film the correct way to get the best effect.
Once a person earns an art degree in photography from an accredited school, they can pursue many different careers. If they enjoy working with people and children, they can work taking photographs of babies and children either for a professional studio or on their own. If they enjoy working with food, they can learn how to take food photographs. Food photography is an art form in itself. People who are experts in photographing food for magazines are often in demand and this career can be quite lucrative.
If you have an eye for fashion, perhaps you would enjoy being a fashion photographer. A fashion photographer normally photographs models in different clothing, being careful to show the clothing to the best advantage. A person who becomes a fashion photographer should not only have an artistic flair for photography, but an eye for fashion as well.
Want to stalk celebrities and get paid thousands of dollars from tabloids for exclusive photos? Head to Hollywood and begin taking pictures of the stars. Paparazzi make a good living, although you have to be relentless and not intimidated by body guards and irate stars who claim to dislike being photographed, although they continue to show up at places where they know photographers will be. This is a very competitive field, but can earn you quite a bit of money, particularly if you have a knack for being in the right place at the right time.
If you are the artistic sort and dream of being the next Ansel Adams, you can pursue your dream of being a noted artist and selling your photographs for thousands of dollars. Photography is a true art form and many photographers are fortunate enough to be able to have their work exhibited in art galleries. The nice thing about having an art degree in photography is that you can continue to work as a paid photographer while pursuing your artistic endeavors at the same time.
If you are one of those who enjoy working with people, using a camera and taking photographs, an art degree in photography may be just what you are looking for. You can have an exciting career where being creative will take you a long way.
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